Since cell phones make it easy to snap a photo of anything interesting at any time, the idea of going on a walk for the sole purpose of taking pictures may seem like a thing of the past. However, photography walks are a great way to decompress after a stressful day and practice the art of taking great pictures.
Get a Plan
Before hopping in the car to go on a walk, pick the location for the photography walk. Think about the colors you are hoping to see. Pick one or two colors to serve as the theme for the photography walk and stick to them. This will not only help you create a comprehensive selection of photos at the end of the walk, but it will also help you to find inspiration during the walk.
When planning a photography walk, think about the optimal time of day. Many photographers favor golden hour for the perfect lighting. If you’re used to shooting at golden hour, try going for a walk in direct sunlight instead to give yourself a challenge.
Don’t Bring Everything
You’ve invested in a quality camera set up, and it can be tempting to strap it all onto your back and bring it with you. However, you’ll spend more time digging for the desired lens than taking pictures if you give in to this urge. Pick one trusty lens and challenge yourself to stick with it throughout the walk.
Add a Different Perspective
Invite a friend to tag along on the photo walk with you. This is a great way to get a different perspective on the things that you see on the walk. When the walk is complete, you can compare the images you took.
Set a Limit
It can be tempting to snap away when your camera is in your hands. However, setting a limit on the number of photos you want to take or the amount of time you want to spend walking is a great way to challenge yourself. You may find that you have fewer images, but they are of better quality than you usually take.